Saturday, November 18, 2006

Still here...busy as always

Not much in the updates department. The Packrat is going along a little slow and going through a few story revisions and changes, and some bigger changes like me dropping out all use of dialogue. I'm trying to get a whole scene mostly finished by Monday but I somehow doubt I'll get that far done.

Working a bit too on some freelance for Asterisk, Inc. inbetweening on a feature they got a few minutes or so of to work on. That's going well but it's suuuuch a detailed character. Thank God I'm only inbetweening.

I'm excited for New Years this year. I'll most likely be going to the grandest New Years party ever. Check it out at
  • . Scythian is perhaps one of the grandest bands out there kids. I can't say it enough. Though some of my friends hate that. =D

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